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Your complete guide to how zirconium crowns works, the candidates, the latest techniques, and charming results.

Zirconium ceramics, developed in recent years to meet the increasing aesthetic demands, is a white alloy used instead of the grey metal that is the infrastructure of classic porcelain bridges and prostheses.

What are the advantages of zirconium coating?

Since the light transmission of zirconium dental crowns is higher than metal-supported veneers, there is no dark color on the gums and you will not face problems such as black color reflections from the gum line, which are possible in the future with metal-coated porcelain teeth. In addition, thanks to the translucency of zirconium, when zirconium teeth are coated, the dull appearance that can appear on the teeth disappears and a healthier, more transparent and natural look is achieved as the teeth are closest to their original state. Zirconium coating not only provides an aesthetic and natural look, but it is also important for the health of your gums. This is because zirconium crowns are more compatible with the gums, and the likelihood of gum disease around teeth with zirconium crowns is less than with metal-supported crowns.

How is the zirconium coating applied?

Zirconium treatment is performed similarly to the other dental veneering treatments you are familiar with. The key difference between dental veneer treatments is, of course, the type of material used for the veneer. Just like metal-supported veneers, minor corrections and modifications are made to the teeth to be veneered prior to zirconium dental treatment. These corrections usually involve grinding and shaping the tooth so that the veneer can be fully placed on it. The tooth-friendly zirconium veneer is made with the CAD / CAM technology in the laboratory environment according to the specially measured mouth and tooth structure. On the zirconium substructure, which is made in a color suitable for the tooth, the porcelain superstructure is processed and adapted to the tooth in the clinical environment. In the final stage, it is bonded to the tooth using special dental coating adhesives and permanently integrated.

How is the compatibility of zirconium veneer with gums?

Zirconium is a material compatible with tooth tissue. The bruise-like discoloration of the neck of the tooth and gums that occurs with metal-supported dentures does not occur and does not cause gum recession. If the gums are retracted for reasons such as incorrect brushing, this does not result in an aesthetically poor appearance.

Can the zirconium coating be used for people who are allergic to metals?

Since no metal is used in the structure of the zirconium coating as standard, it does not trigger allergies.

Does a zirconium coating cause bad breath?

Since it does not contain metal, it is not possible to change the taste or cause odor.

How to care for a zirconium veneer?

Zirconium veneers are cleaned like normal toothbrushes. During regular medical check-ups every 6 months, any problems that may occur are anticipated and measures are taken against them.

How long does the application of Zirconium Veneer take?

The application is completed in 1 week for people with problem-free gums. It can be continued with some samples until the person is satisfied or the doctor and the patient are satisfied.

Is zirconium coating an expensive application?

This application is completed in 1 week for people with problem-free gums. It can be continued with some samples until the person is satisfied or the doctor and the patient are satisfied.

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